Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12, Grand Canyon

On a bright, sunny morning in May, this vulture is master of all he (or she) surveys.

And this little fellow was very thirsty and looking for a drink where the hikers filled their water bottles. 
The weather has been really nice.  Very cool at night, in the 30's, and around 80 during the day with just enought breeze to keep you comfortable while walking.  It is really fun walking along the rim of the Grand Canyon.  Wish my granddaughter. Allie, was here.   She could translate all the different conversations around us.   Heard lots of French, some German, and some I wasn't sure which country they were from.  Everyone was in awe of the big canyon.   I really don't know how people can walk all the way to the bottom and back up again.  One of the rangers was telling about friends that would race him.  He would drop them off on the North Rim and drive around to the South Rim, and they would be waiting for them.  Of course, these guys are in their 20's,  Maybe im my next life.  We did make it from the visitor's center to Angel Bright Lodge.   I say it was 3 miles but Marv  says it was only 2.   Tomorrow we will finish the western walk and maybe do some of the east part.  Then take the Desert View drive on our way out.  Marv just added it up and it was over 3 miles.   Yahoo.
He does like to live on the edge.  I get nervous every time he goes out there.
Guess that does it for today.  Will post this while I have a connection.
Til later.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots. Glad you could be someplace special for Mother's Day. And the critters! Don't see vultures every day. Oh, wait, you live with Marv. Love you.
