Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Carlsbad, NM

We did the natural entrance tour this morning.  Went early, like 8:30, and there were hardly anyone there.  So you got to spend most of the time by yourself.  It is 850 feet almost straight down but it is a paved path with railings.  Unlike 60 years ago when you had to climb down stairs and ladders or at the beginning when you were lowered down in guano buckets.  ICK. 
This afternoon Marv did his solo tour of the lower cavern where you used knotted ropes to help you down a rock flow, crawled on hands and knees through tight spots, and climbed up ladders to come out.  I decided to stay home and do laundry, but Marv enjoyed it.
This place is truly amazing.  I have run out of adjectives to describe it.  If you ever get a chance, it is a fabulous place to visit.
This is the beginning of the path down into the cavern.

This is looking up from the path. No idea how far down, but those spots are birds.

This is one of the "decorations inside the cave.

This is how Marv's tour got down to the lower cave.

Another one of the beautiful formations.

One of the tight spaces they had to crawl though.
That's all for tonight.  Will add more tomorrow after the tour thought the left hand tunnel.
Til later.

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