Monday, May 28, 2012

Carlsbad, New Mexico

We arrived in Carlsbad yesterday and it was hot.  About 100 degrees but 4,000 feet lower than we have been.  And, boy, can I tell the difference.  I can breathe again.  Getting old is tough.  And the heat isn't too bad.  Very dry and the wind is really blowing.  That is why we are getting lots of smoke, from the forest fires they are having in the southwestern part of the state.  The smoke is blowing way over here.
We got here fairly early, so after we set up, we went out to the Caverns, not thinking about it being Memorial Day Weekend.  They said all the tours were probably booked up for today and it would be a zoo, so there wasn't much point in coming back.  We went back to the trailer and called to make reservations for Tuesday and Thursday, for me and Marv, and Wednesday for Marv.  He is going on a tour that you have to climb down using a knotted rope, crawl on your hands and knees through tight spaces and climb up several ladders.  Think I will stay home and do laundry.  Plus we will be doing a couple of self guided tours and I want to see the bats leave the caverns in the evening.  With all this going on, we will be staying an extra day at least.
Because we couldn't go to the Caverns today, we went to the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens.  It is a state operated zoo and botanical gardens, specializing in native species of the Chihuahuan Desert and New Mexico.  The animals are all rescued animals that can't make it in the wild for one reason or another.  The Mexican wold is an endangered species, the mountain lion is old and arthritic (sound familiar), the bald eagle has a bad foot.  You get the idea.  It was a really wonderful experience.  If anyone gets to this area, it is well worth the visit.  Now for the pictures.

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