Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, Carlsbad Caverns, NM

Another early start this morning.  Out at the visitor's center by 8:30 and tour is at 9:00.  There are only 15 of us and that is including two rangers, one in front and one in back to make sure we are all there.  This is a two hour tour into the left hand tunnel, and it started in the opposite direction as all the others.  Another difference is that there are no lights in this tunnel.  We all have lanterns with candles in them.  So just 15 little candles, like the olden days.

Like I said, it was a 2 hour tour, but we didn't go very far and it wasn't a nice flat trail.  It was more natural and with the unreliable light, kind of tricky.  But it some ways it was more interesting.  The tunnel was narrower that the others we have been in, with lower ceilings, so it seemed warmer, at least to me.  And we even had a visit from a bat that flew through the tunnel.  Not one of the Mexican Free Tail, but another type that also lives in the caves.  I didn't see it, but most everyone else did.  And we also had a black out while we were there.  Those are different.  Being with others, they don't bother me, but we had a couple of young kids and they don't like the dark.  So we re lit the candles and continued out into the rest area and snack area.  
All in all, this has been one very interesting visit to a national park.  Been in other caves, but this one is very awe inspiring.
Tomorrow we are just going to take it easy, maybe go to Sitting Bull Falls that are a few miles from here, or someplace else around here.  Then we will head to Las Cruces for the next adventure.
The pictures that follow are taken in the left hand tunnel taken under candle light for the most part, with some help from the ranger's flashlight. 

Til later.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Carlsbad, NM

We did the natural entrance tour this morning.  Went early, like 8:30, and there were hardly anyone there.  So you got to spend most of the time by yourself.  It is 850 feet almost straight down but it is a paved path with railings.  Unlike 60 years ago when you had to climb down stairs and ladders or at the beginning when you were lowered down in guano buckets.  ICK. 
This afternoon Marv did his solo tour of the lower cavern where you used knotted ropes to help you down a rock flow, crawled on hands and knees through tight spots, and climbed up ladders to come out.  I decided to stay home and do laundry, but Marv enjoyed it.
This place is truly amazing.  I have run out of adjectives to describe it.  If you ever get a chance, it is a fabulous place to visit.
This is the beginning of the path down into the cavern.

This is looking up from the path. No idea how far down, but those spots are birds.

This is one of the "decorations inside the cave.

This is how Marv's tour got down to the lower cave.

Another one of the beautiful formations.

One of the tight spaces they had to crawl though.
That's all for tonight.  Will add more tomorrow after the tour thought the left hand tunnel.
Til later.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns May 29

We started early today, was at the caverns by 8:30.  The tour didn't start until 10:00, but wanted to check things out first.  Boy, was it different from Sunday, hardly any people, which was very nice.
We went down 750 feet (in an elevator) into a big room.  It has a snack bar, restrooms, and , surprise, a gift shop.  The tour was a ranger guided tour with about 50 people.  It was amazing.  The caverns are huge.  And they have done so much work to make paths and railing so it is very easy to see everything.  The tour we were on was the one where they turn off all the lights for about 2 minutes.  Total darkness!!!.  It was fairly comfortable and peaceful, because you were with 50 other people.  Don't know how the 16 year old kid that first explored the caves did it, with just lanterns and candles and no paths to make the walking easier.
That tour was about 2 hours and afterward we had lunch upstairs in the visitor's center.  Then we rented the audio things and went on a self guided tour.  That was the best and awesome.  Because there were few people around, we had sections of the tour all to ourselves.  And because of the echoing, everyone talks in whispers so it is very quiet.  The morning tour was the King's Palace and the afternoon one was around the Big Room.  We went up and down in the elevator but tomorrow we are going down the Natural Entrance and come back up in the elevator.  It is about 800 feet down, but on a paved path and switch backs.  Don't think I would like to try it going up.
Tonight we went out to watch the bat flight.  The way they found the caverns was when the bats come out at night.  Right now there are only a few thousand bats, but during July, August, and September, there is about a half a million Mexican free tail bats.  Then in October they go to Mexico for the winter.   Might not have been as spectacular as later in the season, but it was a wonderful sight.
Now for the pictures.  Marv took about a hundred but I will only post a few.

Til later.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Carlsbad, New Mexico

We arrived in Carlsbad yesterday and it was hot.  About 100 degrees but 4,000 feet lower than we have been.  And, boy, can I tell the difference.  I can breathe again.  Getting old is tough.  And the heat isn't too bad.  Very dry and the wind is really blowing.  That is why we are getting lots of smoke, from the forest fires they are having in the southwestern part of the state.  The smoke is blowing way over here.
We got here fairly early, so after we set up, we went out to the Caverns, not thinking about it being Memorial Day Weekend.  They said all the tours were probably booked up for today and it would be a zoo, so there wasn't much point in coming back.  We went back to the trailer and called to make reservations for Tuesday and Thursday, for me and Marv, and Wednesday for Marv.  He is going on a tour that you have to climb down using a knotted rope, crawl on your hands and knees through tight spaces and climb up several ladders.  Think I will stay home and do laundry.  Plus we will be doing a couple of self guided tours and I want to see the bats leave the caverns in the evening.  With all this going on, we will be staying an extra day at least.
Because we couldn't go to the Caverns today, we went to the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens.  It is a state operated zoo and botanical gardens, specializing in native species of the Chihuahuan Desert and New Mexico.  The animals are all rescued animals that can't make it in the wild for one reason or another.  The Mexican wold is an endangered species, the mountain lion is old and arthritic (sound familiar), the bald eagle has a bad foot.  You get the idea.  It was a really wonderful experience.  If anyone gets to this area, it is well worth the visit.  Now for the pictures.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Roswell, New Mexico

Yesterday we went to the Indian Flea Market at the Tesuque Pueblo.  It had a lot of nice things with some really nice prices.  We tried to visit the pueblos but they are still in use and on the reservations, so we went back to Santa Fe and toured the Governor's Palace and museum.  People don't realize how much history there is in the southwest.  They started settling it before Jamestown and Plymouth.  And before that were the Native Americans.  We hear so much about the English, Dutch and so on, that we forget about the Spanish.  It was really interesting.  Of course, inside the museums you can't take pictures.  But I did post from the day before.
We left this morning and drove down to Roswell.  The drive was very nice and fast.  All four lane roads all the way and Marv got to play with his new GPS.  It really worked.  But there was only three turns between RV parks.
Roswell is a nice little town.  Even without the aliens.  Of course, we had to go to the UFO museum and Research center.  There wasn't much to it but was fun.  Took a picture but haven't downloaded it.  Wasn't really worth it.  But they do have a Golden Corral and Marv is taking me out to dinner tonight.
It will be an easy drive to Carlsbad tomorrow and we plan on staying for four nights so should get to see everything we want to see.  I'm hoping to see the bats leave or enter the caves.  That will be so cool.  And the caverns too.
That's all for now.  Til later.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 24,2012

We got into Santa Fe before noon this morning.  Got all set up, had lunch, then took off for the Old Plaza.  First thing, we took an hour tour of the old town and Canyon Road which has all the galleries. Santa Fe is truly different.  It is the oldest town in the USA, since the 1600's and around the old Plaza all the building are stucco or adobe, town law.  Wish we could use adobe in our area.  I love it.
After the tour, we did a walk about for a bit.  Then we headed for the more modern part of town, Lowes and Best Buy.  Our friends in Ouray have reflective insulation on the windows of their 5th wheel so Marv wanted to try it.  He almost have all the windows done.  When you are in this country, it can get really hot with the sun pouring into the windows.
Marv also decided to buy a new toy.  We are now the proud owners of a GPS.  All we have to do is learn how to use it.
Tomorrow we are going back to the Plaza for a little more sightseeing and going to the Tesuque Flea Market and check out a couple of Pueblos outside of town.
Now for the pictures.
Loretto Chapel
Oldest house in USA. so they say.
San Miguel Mission. Oldest church in USA
Cathedral  Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
These are the pictures for today. More tomorrow. 
Til later.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23. 2012

This is taken about a mile from Ouray, and about a mile up.  We left early this morning, heading for Santa Fe.  I really goofed.  The road out of Ouray it very windy and slow.  Kind of like the trail from Canyonlands, only paved and wide enough for a real road, but with switchbacks of 10 mph.  There were pullouts, but we were focused on just driving and looking so I didn't take any pictures.  I am so sorry.  The scenery was incredible.  We started at 7700 feet and the highest pass was 11,008 feet.  The next one was 10, 980 feet.  Most of the day was as high or higher than Mt. Hood.  And we didn't cross the continental divide, there was peaks that were towering over us, around 15,000 feet.  
We came down off the mountains to Chama Village, which is about 7000 ft.  Don't think we will get very low until we get to Carlsbad.  It is about 3000 ft.  Tomorrow we will be in Santa Fe for a couple of nights and that is still around 7000ft.  Sea level is going to feel good.  Or I will get use to the high altitude.
I promise to take pictures in Santa Fe and Carlsbad.
Til Later.  You all have a great Memorial Day Weekend.  

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ouray, Colorado May 21

We are now in Ouray, (pronounced Uray) Colorado which is a little town in Colorado that is very quaint.  Think it is an old mining town and during the summers there is lots of jeeps running around the hills.  Our friends have just bought a place and are in the process of moving in.  It it had a ocean close by, I could live here.  It is beautiful. 

Last night was really awesome.  We spent about 3 hours at the Panorama Viewpoint in Arches National Park with about 200 people watching the annular solar eclipse.  The rangers passed out some viewing squares, but we had to share, so met some really nice people for all over.   Of course Marv made his own pinhole viewer so he could take pictures.  And he got some really nice ones.
This was taken through the filter but was hard to hold the camera still.

This was taken though the Rangers  peephole light box.  The image is inverted but you get the idea.   It was a truly amazing show.  Marv is already planning on the solar eclipse that is taking place in August, 2017.  We will be in John Day to see it.  That will be one of the best places.  Nice to have something to look forward to.
Tomorrow we are going to Montrose, Colorado to visit with Marv's aunt, and then Wednesday we head toward New Mexico slowly. 
Til later.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Canyonlands. May 19

No internet, so I wrote the blog on word, but couldn't get it to transfer.  So I am sitting in a coffee shop in Moab trying to do this before my computer runs out of battery.
We had a great time yesterday running on very off road roads.  I like to do it once in awhile, but don't understand people doing it all the time.  My innards are still shaking.  Though the views were awesome.  So was the road.  I think we did the Grand Canyon thing in a truck.  Some of the switchbacks were so tight we had to back up and inch our way around.  Been nice if we had had a smaller car.
Now for the pictures.  We did see one of the monoliths in the distance, and the Colorado River.  Didn't make it down to the river bank and didn't see any rafters.  Thought there are lots of places to book rafting trips.  There is even a place for hot air balloon rides, but Marv wasn't interested, thank heavens.  I would have had to stay home.  There is no way I'm going up in a balloon.
The last picture is part of the road we took from the canyon floor to the rim.  Gulp!

Tonight we are going to a ranger program for the eclipse and tomorrow we heard for Ouray, Colorado to visit with college friends.
Til later.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 2012, Moab, Utah

I will try this again.  This is the third time I have started this blog tonight.  The internet has been really slow and spotting, so I keep losing my place.  As you can see, we are in Moab.  Got here about 3:00 yesterday.  Drove most of the day, which is unusual for us.  I even got to drive for about an hour.  It was almost all freeway, so wasn't too hard.
The weather here has been a little cooler than we have been having.  Today started overcast and windy, but the clouds did go away.  The wind did not, so made it cooler for the hikes, but kind of like being on the beach almost any time.
We did a few hikes in Arches National Park.  I think this is one of my favorite parks.  The scenery is so awesome and the colors are fantastic.
This is Balance Rock.  A nice walk around the base.  Then, next is the Three Gossips., then comes Delicate Arch.  It was quite a walk out to the view point.  The last picture is Double Arch.  We took a ranger guided walk to here.  I just can't believe the different rock sculptures. Wind and rain are great artists.
Tomorrow we are going to Canyonlands  National Park.  It is a great place for 4 wheel driving.  But is sure shakes you up.  Then it will be back to Arches for the solar eclipse Sunday night.  Hope I can get some pictures, but don't want to burn out my camera. 
Til later.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Zion National Park May 16

Along the Virgin River on the Riverwalk in Zion National Park.
Another beautiful day in Paradise.  Temperatures were in the high 80's this morning when we drove up to Zion.  You have to park at the visitor's center and take a shuttle up to the top of Zion Canyon.  There are 7 stops and different walks at each one.  Some are real easy and some are very hard.  And it is a very popular site for rock climbers.  
I thought about doing some rock climbing.  Just thought about it, there is no way I could have done anything like that, even 40 years ago.
This is a view of Court of the Patriarchs.  It is a very short, steep walk , but gives you a great view of some of the peaks.  This was our first "hike."  In the morning it is a little cool, so I usually start out with a shirt.  This day, it didn't last long.

I feel like I am in a Zane Gray novel.  The colors are just incredible.  You could paint a house almost any color and it would blend in.  Of course, you would want to design one out of local rock.  And there are some houses that are just great.
After the Court of the Patriarchs.  We went to the top of the canyon and did the riverside walk.  And stopped to have lunch beside the river.  We did not dine alone.  No one does.  This was one of our luncheon guests.  They do wait until you are done before they come around.  Maybe they aren't guests, but the busboys.
After we made it back to the shuttle stop, we rode down to the Grotto and walked the trail to the Zion Lodge, where we had a nice big dish of ice cream.  Then we came home start getting ready to head out tomorrow for Moab, Utah.  Where we plan to go to Arches National Park to see the eclipse on Sunday, and go road running at Canyonlands. 

Will keep you posted. Til later

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kanab, Utah, May 14.

We are now in Kanab, Utah.  We spent Mother's Day hiking along the rim of the Grand Canyon under blue skies and warm temperatures and cooling winds so the walk was great.  In the two days we walked almost the whole length of the rim walk.  Miss about a mile on the west end.  Didn't see any of the condors, but we did see them last time we were here.
The drive to Kanab was really beautiful.  The cliffs are a wonderful red color interlaced with the browns and whites, and so tall.
Tomorrow we will be in St. George and in driving distance to Zion National Park.  The weather is continuing warm and no rain.  I am enjoying the heat.  We didn't make it to the North Rim of the Canyon because it didn't open until after we left.  Maybe next time.
That's all for now. Til later.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12, Grand Canyon

On a bright, sunny morning in May, this vulture is master of all he (or she) surveys.

And this little fellow was very thirsty and looking for a drink where the hikers filled their water bottles. 
The weather has been really nice.  Very cool at night, in the 30's, and around 80 during the day with just enought breeze to keep you comfortable while walking.  It is really fun walking along the rim of the Grand Canyon.  Wish my granddaughter. Allie, was here.   She could translate all the different conversations around us.   Heard lots of French, some German, and some I wasn't sure which country they were from.  Everyone was in awe of the big canyon.   I really don't know how people can walk all the way to the bottom and back up again.  One of the rangers was telling about friends that would race him.  He would drop them off on the North Rim and drive around to the South Rim, and they would be waiting for them.  Of course, these guys are in their 20's,  Maybe im my next life.  We did make it from the visitor's center to Angel Bright Lodge.   I say it was 3 miles but Marv  says it was only 2.   Tomorrow we will finish the western walk and maybe do some of the east part.  Then take the Desert View drive on our way out.  Marv just added it up and it was over 3 miles.   Yahoo.
He does like to live on the edge.  I get nervous every time he goes out there.
Guess that does it for today.  Will post this while I have a connection.
Til later.