Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, Tierra Del Mar

We are home!  We arrived home about 11:30 this morning after leaving 7 Feathers Casino at 7:00 am.  And that was a great RV Park.  We stayed there just after they opened, about 10 years ago, and the RV park was a few lines painted in the parking lot.  Now they have many, many spaces, individual shower rooms, laundry, indoor pool and spa, fitness center, gorgeous landscaping, friendly staff, and the casino is really nice too.  Only came out $1.64, but the buffet was excellent. 
We have the trailer about half way unpacked, and the house looks lived in.  Plus the lawn is mowed and the flower beds are a little less weedy.  The sun was shining and at the beach, you take advantage of the sunny weather.
We had a great trip.  Got to see lots of wonder sights, but are thinking that this might be the last big road trip.  It is easier to go stay somewhere for a couple of weeks in one spot rather than 7 weeks with only 2-4 days in one spot.
I loved doing the blog and hope everyone has enjoyed it.  Will try and post something every now and then, but can't say for sure that I will remember.  Everyone take care and have great travels.
Hugs to all. Til later. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, Lassen Volcanic National Park

Today was the last of the national parks we planned on visiting on this vacation.  We got to Lassen about 10:30 after getting a late start.  And it was magnificent.  Almost like being back home, lots of green, cool temperatures, but sun.  Most of the trails were closed because of snow, but there were enough things to do.  And then there was the snow.  The park has only been open about a week and a half.  
Until Mt. St. Helens blew it's top, Lassen was the only active volcano in the continental United  States.  And that was in 1915.  They have lots of geothermal activity like Yellowstone and one of the few places that have all four types of volcanoes. 

Like I said, we couldn't get into the hot springs and geysers because of the snow so we just drove through and went to the campground on the way to I-5.   We are staying just a few miles from the Subway Ice caves.  When Marv was in college, he and some friends were going to climb Mt. Lassen during spring break.  But it being March, they ended up getting snowed on and decided to camp in the ice caves before they headed home.  So we made a visit to them to see what they were like.  Brrrr.  Even with no snow.  
Tomorrow we are heading north and will stay at 7 Feathers Casino in Canyonville, OR, then Friday make it home.  I will finish up the blog from home.  Hope you have all enjoyed our travels.  I know we have had a good time, but will be good to be home.
Til later

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, Oroville, CA.

We are now in Orovill, CA.  We  got up early this morning and drove 300 miles to the casino at Feather Falls.  Yesterday we spent seeing the sites that we had missed the first couple of days at the park.  Like Grant Grove, the Chicago Stump, Hume Lake.  
This is the Chicago stump.  It is one of many in the area.  They logged the whole place.
Chicago stump was kind of impressive.  They cut this tree down to take to the Chicago World's Fair in 1893.  Cut it into 14 foot section to get it to Chicago and reassembled it there.  No one believed it was real.  Thought it was a hoax.  But it did start an interest in the area and about that time, they had another national park.
This the the grant tree

This is the Lincoln tree

This is the Oregon tree

Twin sisters

Now I will try and add the pictures I couldn't yesterday.
Kings River with a zoom, very long way down

A whole hillside of yucca plants. on a rock cliff.  Don't know where the dirt came from

Kings Canyon.  Impressive.

Roaring River Falls.  Really fast water.

This is a group of trees along the road.

They have so many that not all have names.

We didn't see much wildlife, but did see this marmot

this is the General Sherman tree.

We have seen so many trees and sights.  Flowers that I have no names for, butterflies, and I kind of think I saw a bear, on the way to the Chicago stump, which was at the end of a long dirt, bumpy road, and a trail across some meadows.  On the way there, there was a black lump in the middle of the meadow, but didn't seem to be moving so I shrugged it off, only I couldn't find it on the way back.  You be the judge.
Tomorrow we drive through Lassen National Park, the Thursday stay at Canyonville (Seven Feathers Casino) the Friday HOME !!!!! Will post pictures from Lassen.
Til later.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 10, 2012
I am still adjusting to the 7,000 feet altitude.  It kind of tires me out, also it doesn’t help that Marv doesn’t seem to be affected and I try to semi keep up with him.  Of course, he takes longer naps than I do, so guess he is better at not showing the affects.
Yesterday we went to the northern part of the combined parks which is the June 8, 2012,  Kings  Canyon National Park.
I might not have internet, but I can keep the blog going until I can post.  We made it here about noon.  The drive from Bakersfield was really nice.  We pasted miles and miles of vineyards, almond groves and cows in large lots.  The road was a four lane state road with a 70mph speed limit.  I don’t know what they use as hedges between the north and south lanes, but they are sure pretty and tall.  Smell good too.
Just went to the visitors’ center this afternoon.  I am going to have to readjust to the altitude again.  We are over 6000 feet.  Tomorrow we are going to do some of the drives in Kings Canyon Park, see the General Grant  Grove, the Chicago Stump(they cut it down in 1889, and it was over 2000 years old) and other things.  Sunday we will probably do Sequoia National Park, then Monday pick up every place we haven’t gotten too.
The sun is shining, but it is very cool.  Needed a sweater when we went to the visitor’s center.  It is 7:00 in the evening and already 61 degrees.  The cool weather is really nice after 104 degrees.
That’s all for now.  Til later.  

Kings Canyon National Park.   We drove to Roads End.  And it is just what it says, the road just stops.  Kings Canyon is a canyon (duh) made by glaciers and the King River which is really a fast one.  I wouldn’t like to go down it any way, shape, or form.   The views are spectacular, hugh boulders, steep cliffs, and big trees.
We really didn’t do many walks on this trek, just getting in and out of the truck at the different viewpoints.  And taking pictures of the canyons, rivers, waterfalls, trees, and flowers, lots and lots of flowers.
Now for the pictures.  These are just a small percentage of the pictures taken.  I will post more on facebook.  And I don’t always remember what they are.   So bear with me.

That is what we did yesterday.  There were some trees, but mostly it was the canyon.  Today we went to the BIG trees.  We are camping in Kings Canyon National Park and today we went to Sequoia National Park.  Sorry if I am confusing anyone.  I had never heard of Kings Canyon National Park, but had heard of Sequoia. 
Anyway, when I say BIG trees, I mean really awesome trees.  We have been in the Redwoods,  and they are very impressive, but the Sequoias are really in a different class.  Love them.
We went on a two mile hike in the giant forest.  And we saw some Giants.  The General Sherman tree, which is the biggest living thing in the world.  Not the tallest, and not the biggest around, but the biggest in sheer volume.  At the end of the day, we took the shuttle down in the southern part of the park.  The road is really narrow and windy and Marv got to look too.  Nice drive, if someone else is doing it.    

Where I am won't let me download the pictures so that is for a later time. Tomorrow night when we are in civilization.  Til later.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bakersfield, CA June 7, 2012

We are sitting in an orange grove in Bakersfield.  Fact, that is the name of the RV Park.  You can pick the oranges when they are ripe, but they are just little green balls right now.
We had a very nice break at Blythe and now we are ready for the national forest and some dry camping.  There won't be any electricity where we are going so this will be my last post for awhile. We are one the home stretch and should be home in about 10 days.  But still have the Sequoia National Park and Mt. Lassen to do.  
Still hot and dry.  We haven't had any rain since before we left Oregon, and believe it or not, I am ready for some.
This has been a great trip and we have really enjoyed it and I have liked all the comments and looks for my blog.  I will update everyone when we get back into civilization. Take care and enjoy whatever weather you are having.  No pictures today.  Hope to have some next time.
Til later.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012, Blythe, CA

This is one of the catcus.  
We left Las Cruces on Monday morning and drove to Tucson.  Got there about noon and spent the afternoon touring the Saguaro National Park.  This is the park that has all the cacti that are on margarita glasses.  It was really impressive and I have lots of pictures, but the RV park we are staying in has a really slow internet connection so can't down load them at the moment.  If you are on facebook, you can go to my photo album and see them later.
On the way to Tucson we stopped at a rest stop.  While I was waiting for Marv, this lady came up to me and asked if we were from Oregon or just had Oregon plates.  I said we were really from Oregon, the Oregon coast, actually.  She said they were Beavers, both had graduated in 1965, which is when Marv had graduated.  As we were talking, she said they were going to be at Heceta Head as interpretative guides.  Turns out the Ken and Marv both were mechanical engineers and remembered each other and his family owned Berman's Drug Store where Marv and I both worked and his first cousin lives in Tierra Del Mar and is a friend of mine.  Small world.
I wanted to go to the Old Tucson Movie Studio, but they close the 1st of June until October. Only open for group tours and private functions like weddings or family reunions.  Summer is the off season down in this part of the country.  Too hot.  It was 104 degrees yesterday.
We got up really early this morning and left by 7:00.  Thought we would get a long way into California but gave up when we got to Blythe, which is just across the Colorado River and about 2 feet into California.  We are in a KOA right on the river. In fact, we can see the river out the back window.  The spots are all grass, and there are tall palm trees.  I have pictures.  It is really nice so we decided to take a rest day and spend tomorrow here and do NOTHING!  Actually, I am going to do laundry, but that isn't a big deal.  Just going to sit in the lawn chairs with a book and watch the river go by.
Marv infront of a palm tree with the Colorado river in the background.
Will try to load a picture or two now. Til Later.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3, 2012, Las Cruces, NM

Sorry I didn't post last night.  We got into Las Cruces about noon yesterday and called our friends Bob and Betty.  They have the house across the street from us at the beach and live in Las Cruces the rest of the time.  They came over to the RV park and took us to lunch at their favorite Mexican place and a tour of Old Mesilla and parts of Las Cruces.  
Today we started early and went to the White Sands National Monument.  It really is white sand!!!  And not an ocean to be seen.  The brought their water skis and we "skied" down the dunes.  Really lots of fun.  Then we went to the NASA museum of Space History.   Then is was on to Port Seldon Monument.   All the while the Organ Mountains and the Good Sight Mountains are surrounding us and looking incredible.
Tonight we went to dinner at a place that looked out over the city and we watched the full moon rise out of the smoke from the forest fires that are raging north of the city.  And all during all of this, we are visiting.  The city of Las Cruces is really a nice city and the is lots to see and do.  Of course, the weather is still quite hot, about 95 today.  I think I will be glad for the cooler climate of home.
So far this trip has been really good.  Got to visit with some old friends and new friends and see lots of beautiful country.
Tomorrow we head for Tucson and a little closer to home.
This is the white sands.

Marv "skiing" down the dune.

Marv and I with our skies.

Bob and Betty with their skies.

Marv, Betty, Bob and Me at dinner

The mountains

Til later.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1,2012, Carlsbad, NM

The last day in Carlsbad started late; we slept in until 8:00 and  had a nice breakfast at I Hop.  Boy, this is the way to camp!!!!   Then we took a nice drive out to Sitting Bull Falls in the Guadalupe Mountains, about 36 miles from Carlsbad.  Not sure why they are called Sitting Bull Falls.  Has nothing to do with the famous Sioux chief.  One story says it was named after a guy that told tall tales.  Who knows!
Anyway, we drove out there, and came back to town and just kind of vegged for the rest of the day.  Marv watched the NBA finals and sort of started packing up the trailer for the drive tomorrow.  We start heading west tomorrow on our way home.  I think we are finally warmed up and ready for some cooler weather, but I don't think we will get that until we back to Oregon.  It has been around 100 degrees for the last few days and is suppose to be that way until we get to California.  We do want to go to Mt. Lassen National Park on the way home, but right now it is still closed because of snow.  Will have to wait until we get closer to see.
There are these signs all over the place, whenever you come down off any kind of hill.

This is just after the signs.  You want to make sure there isn't a wall of water coming down the ravine.

Local wildlife.  We saw one skunk at the caverns, but mostly just these little lizards.

This is Sitting Bull Falls. They come from a spring and there are some pools below that you can swim in.

Marv liked this.  Said it looked like a grumpy old man.  

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, Carlsbad Caverns, NM

Another early start this morning.  Out at the visitor's center by 8:30 and tour is at 9:00.  There are only 15 of us and that is including two rangers, one in front and one in back to make sure we are all there.  This is a two hour tour into the left hand tunnel, and it started in the opposite direction as all the others.  Another difference is that there are no lights in this tunnel.  We all have lanterns with candles in them.  So just 15 little candles, like the olden days.

Like I said, it was a 2 hour tour, but we didn't go very far and it wasn't a nice flat trail.  It was more natural and with the unreliable light, kind of tricky.  But it some ways it was more interesting.  The tunnel was narrower that the others we have been in, with lower ceilings, so it seemed warmer, at least to me.  And we even had a visit from a bat that flew through the tunnel.  Not one of the Mexican Free Tail, but another type that also lives in the caves.  I didn't see it, but most everyone else did.  And we also had a black out while we were there.  Those are different.  Being with others, they don't bother me, but we had a couple of young kids and they don't like the dark.  So we re lit the candles and continued out into the rest area and snack area.  
All in all, this has been one very interesting visit to a national park.  Been in other caves, but this one is very awe inspiring.
Tomorrow we are just going to take it easy, maybe go to Sitting Bull Falls that are a few miles from here, or someplace else around here.  Then we will head to Las Cruces for the next adventure.
The pictures that follow are taken in the left hand tunnel taken under candle light for the most part, with some help from the ranger's flashlight. 

Til later.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Carlsbad, NM

We did the natural entrance tour this morning.  Went early, like 8:30, and there were hardly anyone there.  So you got to spend most of the time by yourself.  It is 850 feet almost straight down but it is a paved path with railings.  Unlike 60 years ago when you had to climb down stairs and ladders or at the beginning when you were lowered down in guano buckets.  ICK. 
This afternoon Marv did his solo tour of the lower cavern where you used knotted ropes to help you down a rock flow, crawled on hands and knees through tight spots, and climbed up ladders to come out.  I decided to stay home and do laundry, but Marv enjoyed it.
This place is truly amazing.  I have run out of adjectives to describe it.  If you ever get a chance, it is a fabulous place to visit.
This is the beginning of the path down into the cavern.

This is looking up from the path. No idea how far down, but those spots are birds.

This is one of the "decorations inside the cave.

This is how Marv's tour got down to the lower cave.

Another one of the beautiful formations.

One of the tight spaces they had to crawl though.
That's all for tonight.  Will add more tomorrow after the tour thought the left hand tunnel.
Til later.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns May 29

We started early today, was at the caverns by 8:30.  The tour didn't start until 10:00, but wanted to check things out first.  Boy, was it different from Sunday, hardly any people, which was very nice.
We went down 750 feet (in an elevator) into a big room.  It has a snack bar, restrooms, and , surprise, a gift shop.  The tour was a ranger guided tour with about 50 people.  It was amazing.  The caverns are huge.  And they have done so much work to make paths and railing so it is very easy to see everything.  The tour we were on was the one where they turn off all the lights for about 2 minutes.  Total darkness!!!.  It was fairly comfortable and peaceful, because you were with 50 other people.  Don't know how the 16 year old kid that first explored the caves did it, with just lanterns and candles and no paths to make the walking easier.
That tour was about 2 hours and afterward we had lunch upstairs in the visitor's center.  Then we rented the audio things and went on a self guided tour.  That was the best and awesome.  Because there were few people around, we had sections of the tour all to ourselves.  And because of the echoing, everyone talks in whispers so it is very quiet.  The morning tour was the King's Palace and the afternoon one was around the Big Room.  We went up and down in the elevator but tomorrow we are going down the Natural Entrance and come back up in the elevator.  It is about 800 feet down, but on a paved path and switch backs.  Don't think I would like to try it going up.
Tonight we went out to watch the bat flight.  The way they found the caverns was when the bats come out at night.  Right now there are only a few thousand bats, but during July, August, and September, there is about a half a million Mexican free tail bats.  Then in October they go to Mexico for the winter.   Might not have been as spectacular as later in the season, but it was a wonderful sight.
Now for the pictures.  Marv took about a hundred but I will only post a few.

Til later.