Sunday, April 29, 2012

Florence, Oregon

We are now residing at Heceta Beach RV Park, in Heceta, just 4 miles from Florence, Oregon.  We had a really big travel day.  Left the house at 10:00 a.m. and were all set up and eating lunch by 1:00.  Florence is only about 100 miles from home, but we have never stayed here before and decided to do some exploring.  It is turning out to be a longer stay than we planned.  Seems like Friday morning, someone phished our credit card and they put a block on it.  Getting ready to leave on Sunday we decided to have them UPS the new cards to the RV Park.  UPS comes about 3:00pm on Tuesday so we are here until Wednesday morning.  
There is Old Town to explore and we are only two blocks from the beach. And I'm sure we can find all sorts of things to do.  If nothing else, there are always books and the computer.
It's all good.  We just are relaxing and enjoying the quiet.  
Will keep you posted on when and where we will be.  At least we have wifi here, but no cell service in the trailer.  Such is life.
Til next time.

Friday, April 27, 2012

This is Smokey and Mocha who are our new companions on this trip.
We have the trailer out and are in the process of packing up.  By mutual consent, we have decided to take off on Sunday instead of Monday.  So things are a little more rushed than I had anticipated.  But no worries, if we forget something, there will be stores.
Hopefully we will find a dry place to plant ourselves for awhile.
Take care until next time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Still in the process of getting ready.  We have decided to leave on Monday, April 31 and take our time going down the coast before we hit the garage sales in Brookings on May 5th.
Keep watching and see where we go next.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Getting ready.

It is April 19, 2012 and had been a long time since I have done this, but finally talked Grumble into taking a long trip this summer.  We are going to head south in about two weeks, so better get things organized, here and in the trailer.
  We are going to have two new companions this year.  We lost our dog Bubba two years ago, and our cat Jabba last year.  It was a very sad time, but we have added Smokey and Mocha.  They were born Dec. 23, 2010, so just a little over a year old and are brother and sister.  Oh, they are Burmese cats and a hoot.  They keep us on our toes and gives a lot of entertainment and love.  They went with us last summer and took to the trailer like pros.  It will be interesting to see how it goes this year.
Guess that is all for the first time blogging this year.  Take care and will post again soon.