Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26

We got the truck about 2:00 yesterday afternoon and made it to Colter Bay Village RV Park by 7:30. Long day. Woke up this morning to rain and overcast but went for a drive and ended up taking a boat tour of Jenny Lake. This afternoon was tundershowers and a trip to the Laundromat to write this.  After supper we are going to go to one of the view points and look for wildlife.  Will be here until Saturday morning and then it is to Yellowstone.  No pictures so far.
Til later.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24,2014

The truck should be done tomorrow morning so we can make it to Colter Village on time.  Keep your fingers crossed.
Spent the day doing laundry and grocery shopping.  Did find out that I had the link to you tube wrong and Marv posted another video from his point of view.
The new links are:

Hope you enjoy. When we get to Colter Village we won't have internet so might be awhile before I post again.
Til later.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23,2014

Teton Mountain
Today was the big day. Yesterday we drove from Declo, Idaho to Jackson, Wyoming and stayed the night at the Viginian Lodge.  Got a good night's sleep and was up and at them by 6:00.
Went to Teton Village at 7:45 and Marv got paired up with his pilot instructor.  To comply with regulations you have to become a student pilot. And Marv has his membership card to show for it.
The day was absolutely perfect. Sunny, warm (if you can call 40 degrees warm), and a slight breeze.
All the fliers went up to the top of the mountain in the tram, while us chickens went over to the landing area and waited. And I was the head chicken.
And it was all over by 9:30.  So we went and bought some pictures, got in the car and drove about 3 1/2 hours back to the RV park and the kitties.  And a nap!
Marv had his video camera and there was some nice footage, but the file was way too big to upload on the system we have here. I did get some good video of him coming down, but kept losing him.  He really had a wonderful time and he is thinking about maybe doing it again later this week. Not sure how serious he is, but time will tell.
I uploaded on of the videos I took and put it on youtube,
It is   http//  This should be a link but doesn't seem to do what it is suppose to.  It is "Grumblepaw's 71st Birthday Flight. If that doesn't work, let me know.  When we get home I will upload the other video.
Now for pictures.

Tomorrow is laundry day and waiting for the truck to get fixed.
Til later.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21

We went sightseeing today.  Went to Oakley, which is on the way to City of Rocks. It is on the National Historical District because of the turn of the century architecture. They have some really nice Victorian homes. This was the prettiest, I think.

Next up was the City of Rocks.  It is a National Reserve and has lots of hiking trails plus lots and lots of rocks to climb.  If you are into rock climbing this is the place to be.  It has over 500 different climbing routes.  You could camp here for a week and never do the same again.  
It was on the wagon train trails and you can see their names carved on the rocks. 

Didn't get any pictures of climbers but there were plenty of them.  It was really interesting.  
Tomorrow we head for Jackson and all that.  Will post when we get back.
Til then.

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20. 2014

Finally back in the land of internet.  So to continue with the ongoing saga of Grumble's birthday leap.  We spent two days at the state park at Farewell Bend.   This is right on the Snake river where to wagon trains left the Snake and traveled to get to the Columbia.  Very dry, but pretty country.  And from all the fishing boats in the campground, very good fishing. 

We did our usual 200 miles to Declo, Idaho after a stop at Camping World for a couple of things that got misplaced for setting up the satellite.  On our meanderings a light came on in the truck.  Nothing seemed wrong but decided to have it checked out at the Ford dealership in Burly.  Seems like the oil cooler was getting plugged and the engine was heating up.  Will take about 8 hours to fix, at least. 

New plan.  Extended our stay here at the Village of Trees RV Resort. It's right on the Snake, lots of cottonwoods and a swimming pool.  The trailer and cats will stay here until Wednesday.  If the truck is done.  Cancel the rv park in Jackson, get a motel room for one night.  Also rent a car so we can go sightseeing around here(City of Rocks, Dufee Hot Springs), then drive to Jackson on Sunday. This way, Marv can take his birthday leap on schedule and we can make it to Colter Bay RV park on Wednesday.

The weather has finally gotten warm and nice and sunny. Will be fun tomorrow on the road trip tomorrow.  I will take pictures and post one or two tomorrow night.
Guess that is all for now.  Til later.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Bucket List adventure

June 16, 2014

We left yesterday on our lastest adventure.  Traveled a whole 4 hours to Toppinish, Washinton, home of the Yakima Indian Casino and RV park.  The weather is overcast and looks like it is going to thunder and lightning but has been just a few sprinkles.  
We haven't really done too much.  Went grocery shopping in Yakima today.  Been just vegging for the most part. Always tiring to get ready to leave.
Have one more day here, then on Wednesday we go to Farewell Bend on the Snake River.
I will try to write more later.
Til Then.

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, Tierra Del Mar

We are home!  We arrived home about 11:30 this morning after leaving 7 Feathers Casino at 7:00 am.  And that was a great RV Park.  We stayed there just after they opened, about 10 years ago, and the RV park was a few lines painted in the parking lot.  Now they have many, many spaces, individual shower rooms, laundry, indoor pool and spa, fitness center, gorgeous landscaping, friendly staff, and the casino is really nice too.  Only came out $1.64, but the buffet was excellent. 
We have the trailer about half way unpacked, and the house looks lived in.  Plus the lawn is mowed and the flower beds are a little less weedy.  The sun was shining and at the beach, you take advantage of the sunny weather.
We had a great trip.  Got to see lots of wonder sights, but are thinking that this might be the last big road trip.  It is easier to go stay somewhere for a couple of weeks in one spot rather than 7 weeks with only 2-4 days in one spot.
I loved doing the blog and hope everyone has enjoyed it.  Will try and post something every now and then, but can't say for sure that I will remember.  Everyone take care and have great travels.
Hugs to all. Til later.